Posts in Programming
- How I use StackOverflow
- Running PHP with Caddy server on Mac OSX
- Failure to push to Heroku with Ruby on Rails and SQLite3 native extension
- Ruby Whois 3.0
- Heroku and Rails 3.2 asset:precompile error
- Eloquent Ruby book
- Using Sprockets without a Rails/Rack project
- the Rubyist
- Configuring Rails 3 to use HTTPS and SSL
- RSpec Rails doesn't render Rails views by default
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Lazy load hooks
- Ruby Whois 2.0
- HTML 5 Up and Running book
- Ruby 4 Rails - Learning Ruby, with Rails in mind
- New in Whois: #nameservers are now Nameserver
- Getting Real book
- New in Whois: improved caching
- New in Whois: Gem Testers
- TabsOnRails 2.0.0
- How to restart God when you deploy a new release via Capistrano
- Get the currently described class in RSpec
- New in Whois: Goodbye RDoc, Welcome Yardoc
- Introducing Public Suffix Service 0.5.0
- Upgrading to Rails 3: Beware of the Object#tap pattern
- Upgrading to Rails 3: You are using the old router DSL which will be removed in Rails 3.1
- Capistrano: Executing a command as root without using sudo
- The Road to Rails 3: make your Rails 2.3 project more Rails 3 oriented
- Unobtrusive JavaScript in Rails 3
- Understanding the Unobtrusive JavaScript technique
- Upgrading Rails 2 application to Rails 3 (screencast)
- Introducing the Public Suffix List library for Ruby
- Ruby Proxy Pattern and Dynamic Delegation with ActiveSupport BasicObject
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Serializing Ruby objects with JSON
- Learning jQuery 1.3 book
- Ruby Whois 1.0 is here!
- New in Whois: command line improvements
- Ruby Whois moved to
- New in Whois: property is set?
- Search from Google Chrome address bar
- Ruby Net::DNS 0.6.1 released
- New in Whois: Applying the Principle of Least Surprise
- How slow are (Ruby) Exceptions?
- Ruby SuperStruct: enhanced version of the standard Ruby Struct
- RoboDomain usability improvements
- Relative time... when the time does matter
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Rescuable and rescue_from
- Welcome RoboDomain
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Delegate
- Ruby Whois 0.9.0: WHOIS parsers, CLI and performances
- Goodbye ASP Stats Generator
- BreadcrumbOnRails now open-source
- Ruby Net::DNS 0.6.0
- Re-raise a Ruby exception in a Rails rescue_from statement
- TabsOnRails graduated from beta
- How to pass request context to ActionMailer and supply the :host value to url_for
- Ruby Whois 0.8.1
- Updates to WHOIS response
- TabsOnRails and Helperful migrated to Gemcutter
- Ruby Whois 0.8.0
- rake console
- Ruby Whois preview: WHOIS answer and parser
- Capistrano: File Transfer actions
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Reading Source Code
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: extract_options! from Arrays
- Understanding Ruby and Rails: Benchmarking your Ruby scripts
- The Analysis Paralysis Syndrome
- Fix THE bug, not A bug
- Ruby on Rails and Canonical link tag
- Ruby has a new WHOIS library
- User profile permalinks with Ruby on Rails (and Authlogic)
- Configuring a Git repository with Redmine
- TabsOnRails 0.8.0
- Testing Rails: How to test Rails ActiveRecord Named Scopes
- Adding Ruby Enterprise Edition to multiruby versions
- Capistrano and database.yml
- Refactoring to Design Patterns (phpDay 2009)
- TabsOnRails 0.3.0 with concurrent tabs support aka namespaces
- Validating the format of an URL with Rails
- ActiveRecord::MultiConditions development discontinued
- TabsOnRails: managing tabs with Ruby on Rails
- Design Patterns in PHP (PHPCon Italia)
- Hpricot 0.7 is here!
- Helperful 0.3.0
- Design Patterns in Ruby book
- Helperful: a large collection of Rails Helpers
- Capistrano: Managing an uploads folder
- Apache Log Regex: a lightweight Ruby Apache log parser
- WWW::Delicious 0.3.0
- Using XInclude to include example code in a DocBook file
- Running Capistrano with Passenger (mod_rails)
- Technorati: probably the worst and less reliable API service I have ever developed with!
- Creating a blog sitemap with Movable Type