Ruby Net::DNS 0.6.0

Over the last 5 months I have been actively contributing to the Net::DNS Ruby library and today I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Net::DNS 0.6.0.

Net::DNS is a DNS library written in pure Ruby and created by Marco Ceresa, an other Italian Rubyist. Marco started Net::DNS as a Ruby port of Perl Net::DNS module but it eventually evolved into a full Ruby library.

I met Net::DNS about 6 month ago, when I was looking for a more powerful replacement for the Resolv standard library. Net::DNS was exactly what I was looking for my RoboDomain project: an object oriented interface to the DNS world.

Unfortunately, the first approach failed: a weird bug prevented Net::DNS to be used with Mac OS X. I fixed the issue and I sent the patch to Marco. After that I continued to actively contribute to the library and all these improvements are now available in the Net::DNS 0.6.0 version:

  • Full compatibility with Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9
  • Better exception handling
  • Huge internal refactoring and code optimization

I know Marco has some exiting ideas about the future of Net::DNS and I'll probably continue to contribute to help him creating a powerful DNS library.

Net::DNS is already available via RubyForge and Gemcutter. To install/upgrade:

$ gem install net-dns

Patches and feedback are welcomed. You can open an issue on GitHub</a> or fork the repository and send a pull request.