How to integrate coComment with Movable Type (>= 3.2)

December 30th, 2008. This post was published long time ago on the Italian version of my blog then moved here after the English blog has been opened. Please note that the following post can contain outdated information and (probably) multiple typos.

On Semptember 18, coComment staff posted a news about an update of the code used to integrate comments tracking on your blog. The code sets a few blog variables such as page title or blog name used by coComment system to ensure that all blog details are correctly detected.

If you use a coComment supported blogging platform you can forget to manually integrate coComment inside your blog, but it's always recommended.

To integrate coComment into your Movable Type blog you should follow these instructions.

Movable Type code

Starting from the new tracking code schema, the following code is the Movable Type version.

<script type="text/javascript">

// this ensures coComment gets the correct values
coco =
    tool          : "MovableType",
    siteurl       : "<$MTBlogURL$>",
    sitetitle     : "<$MTBlogName encode_html="1"$>",
    pageurl       : "<$MTEntryPermalink$>",
    pagetitle     : "<$MTEntryTitle encode_html="1"$>",
    author        : "<$MTEntryAuthorDisplayName encode_html="1"$>",
    formID        : "comments_form",
    textareaID    : "text",
    buttonID      : "post"
<script id="cocomment-fetchlet" src="" type="text/javascript">
// this activates coComment

Edit Individual Entry Archive template

In a default Movable Type 3.2 or 3.3 installation the comment form is included into the Individual Entry Archive Template.

Open your template manager (Main Menu > Select your blog > Templates > Archives > Individual Entry Archive) and add the code above before the </head>.

Edit Comment Preview Template

Open your template manager (Main Menu > Select your blog > Templates > System > Comment Preview Template) and add the tracking code before the </head> tag.

Rebuild your site

Now save, close all templates and rebuild your blog.

Note. This quick tutorial is valid for a default Movable Type Installation. If you changed the default templates it's up to you to find the right templates and add the tracking code.