December 30th, 2008. This post was published long time ago on the Italian version of my blog then moved here after the English blog has been opened. Please note that the following post can contain outdated information and (probably) multiple typos.
Are you tired of reading your FeedBurner feed stats from your FeedBurner dashboard? Do you manage multiple feeds and you want to view all your stats in a single page? Would you like to read your FeedBurner feeds stats from a wonderful and cool feed? Would you like to compare your feed stats?
FeedBurner Stats 2 Feed is an easy but powerful tool that allows FeedBurner users to mix their feeds' stats into a single feed and subscribe it.
You can read all stats from a single feed. FeedBurner Stats 2 Feed will mix and compare all the data for you. For further details please visit the quickstart guide.
Any idea? Suggestion? Feedback? Feel free to post your comment here!