I currently make things happen at DNSimple.
- Whois.rb — an intelligent, pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser with support for domains, IPv4 and IPv6.
- PublicSuffix.rb — a Ruby domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List.
- PublicSuffix.go — a Go domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List.
- This page only contains a few hightlights, visit my GitHub account to view more code.
- maintainer Public Suffix List — an initiative of Mozilla to maintain a list of all known internet public suffixes.
- committer Money.rb — a library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
- committer Net::DNS.rb — Net::DNS is a DNS library written in Ruby.
- Hanami — simple yet powerful web framework for Ruby.
- and ~100 projects in 15 different languages...
Former Projects
- RoboWhois — access parsed WHOIS and domain information. Acquired by DNSimple.
- RoboDomain — keep track of all your domains in one place. Acquired by DNSimple.