TabsOnRails and Helperful migrated to Gemcutter

Just in case you haven't heard the news, Github discontinued support for building gems. Gem building has been disabled since the move to Rackspace and existing Gem will be available at for at least one year.

In the meanwhile, there's an other Gem hosting solution silently gaining popularity: Gemcutter. Gemcutter aims to be a Gem hosting alternative to RubyForge. I never really liked the GitHub gem system: altering the original Gem name with my login was a quick workaround for name clashes but causes a lot of confusion when trying to install the original version of a Gem or upgrading a Gem from multiple sources. But GitHub was effectively the most simple (and the unique) alternative to distribute a Ruby library as a Gem without creating a full RubyForge project and, most of all, it worked.

Now that GitHub Gem system is gone, I gave a look at Gemcutter and I eventually decided to move there my Helperful and TabsOnRails Gems.

Helperful 0.5.2 and TabsOnRails 0.8.2 are now available. The source code for both libraries is still hosted on GitHub here and here. The documentation has been updated accordingly.

The main benefit of using GemCutter is that you no longer need to pass the :lib option when declaring a gem dependency in your Rails project. do |config|

  # other configurations
  # ...

  config.gem "weppos-tabs_on_rails", :lib => "tabs_on_rails", :source => ""


is now simply do |config|

  # other configurations
  # ...

  config.gem "tabs_on_rails", :source => ""


Thank you GitHub for taking care of my Gems and welcome Gemcutter.