Design Patterns in PHP (PHPCon Italia)

The slides of my talk about Design Patterns in PHP at the PHPCon Italia are now available on SpeakerDeck.

I want to thank you everyone who came to my talk. It was really a big gratification to see such many people in the room. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to talk about all patterns I originally included into the presentation, however I decided to not remove them from the slides.

Before making the slides available, I took the time to improve the code examples replacing all the screenshots with syntax-highlighted text. This change made the code more readable and, off course, available for cut & paste.

Due to the high interest in Design Patterns, I'm planning to publish some more resources in the future along with examples and implementations.

I do not exclude a talk or perhaps a workshop at the upcoming phpDay 2009. I'm thinking about a Refactoring to Patterns session, with live code refactoring supported by unit tests. There is not official confirmation yet, much depends on the time I have available in the next weeks.

Stay tuned!